
Get the ignore rule that will be used for the submodule.

These values control the behavior of git_submodule_status() for this submodule. There are four ignore values:

- **git_submodule_ignore_t.GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_NONE** will consider any change to the contents of the submodule from a clean checkout to be dirty, including the addition of untracked files. This is the default if unspecified. - **git_submodule_ignore_t.GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_UNTRACKED** examines the contents of the working tree (i.e. call git_status_foreach() on the submodule) but UNTRACKED files will not count as making the submodule dirty. - **git_submodule_ignore_t.GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_DIRTY** means to only check if the HEAD of the submodule has moved for status. This is fast since it does not need to scan the working tree of the submodule at all. - **git_submodule_ignore_t.GIT_SUBMODULE_IGNORE_ALL** means not to open the submodule repo. The working directory will be consider clean so long as there is a checked out version present.


submodule libgit2_d.types.git_submodule*

The submodule to check

Return Value

Type: libgit2_d.types.git_submodule_ignore_t

The current libgit2_d.types.git_submodule_ignore_t valyue what will be used for this submodule.
