1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with
5  * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file.
6  */
7 module libgit2_d.oid;
10 /**
11  * @file git2/oid.h
12  * @brief Git object id routines
13  * @defgroup git_oid Git object id routines
14  * @ingroup Git
15  * @{
16  */
17 extern (C):
18 nothrow @nogc:
19 public:
21 /**
22  * Size (in bytes) of a raw/binary oid
23  */
24 enum GIT_OID_RAWSZ = 20;
26 /**
27  * Size (in bytes) of a hex formatted oid
28  */
31 /**
32  * Minimum length (in number of hex characters,
33  * i.e. packets of 4 bits) of an oid prefix
34  */
37 /**
38  * Unique identity of any object (commit, tree, blob, tag).
39  */
40 struct git_oid
41 {
42 	/**
43 	 * raw binary formatted id
44 	 */
45 	ubyte[.GIT_OID_RAWSZ] id;
46 }
48 /**
49  * Parse a hex formatted object id into a git_oid.
50  *
51  * Params:
52  *      out_ = oid structure the result is written into.
53  *      str = input hex string; must be pointing at the start of the hex sequence and have at least the number of bytes needed for an oid encoded in hex (40 bytes).
54  *
55  * Returns: 0 or an error code
56  */
58 int git_oid_fromstr(.git_oid* out_, const (char)* str);
60 /**
61  * Parse a hex formatted null-terminated string into a git_oid.
62  *
63  * Params:
64  *      out_ = oid structure the result is written into.
65  *      str = input hex string; must be null-terminated.
66  *
67  * Returns: 0 or an error code
68  */
70 int git_oid_fromstrp(.git_oid* out_, const (char)* str);
72 /**
73  * Parse N characters of a hex formatted object id into a git_oid.
74  *
75  * If N is odd, the last byte's high nibble will be read in and the
76  * low nibble set to zero.
77  *
78  * Params:
79  *      out_ = oid structure the result is written into.
80  *      str = input hex string of at least size `length`
81  *      length = length of the input string
82  *
83  * Returns: 0 or an error code
84  */
86 int git_oid_fromstrn(.git_oid* out_, const (char)* str, size_t length);
88 /**
89  * Copy an already raw oid into a git_oid structure.
90  *
91  * Params:
92  *      out_ = oid structure the result is written into.
93  *      raw = the raw input bytes to be copied.
94  *
95  * Returns: 0 on success or error code
96  */
98 int git_oid_fromraw(.git_oid* out_, const (ubyte)* raw);
100 /**
101  * Format a git_oid into a hex string.
102  *
103  * Params:
104  *      out_ = output hex string; must be pointing at the start of the hex sequence and have at least the number of bytes needed for an oid encoded in hex (40 bytes). Only the oid digits are written; a '\\0' terminator must be added by the caller if it is required.
105  *      id = oid structure to format.
106  *
107  * Returns: 0 on success or error code
108  */
110 int git_oid_fmt(char* out_, const (.git_oid)* id);
112 /**
113  * Format a git_oid into a partial hex string.
114  *
115  * Params:
116  *      out_ = output hex string; you say how many bytes to write. If the number of bytes is > GIT_OID_HEXSZ, extra bytes will be zeroed; if not, a '\0' terminator is NOT added.
117  *      n = number of characters to write into out string
118  *      id = oid structure to format.
119  *
120  * Returns: 0 on success or error code
121  */
123 int git_oid_nfmt(char* out_, size_t n, const (.git_oid)* id);
125 /**
126  * Format a git_oid into a loose-object path string.
127  *
128  * The resulting string is "aa/...", where "aa" is the first two
129  * hex digits of the oid and "..." is the remaining 38 digits.
130  *
131  * Params:
132  *      out_ = output hex string; must be pointing at the start of the hex sequence and have at least the number of bytes needed for an oid encoded in hex (41 bytes). Only the oid digits are written; a '\\0' terminator must be added by the caller if it is required.
133  *      id = oid structure to format.
134  *
135  * Returns: 0 on success, non-zero callback return value, or error code
136  */
138 int git_oid_pathfmt(char* out_, const (.git_oid)* id);
140 /**
141  * Format a git_oid into a statically allocated c-string.
142  *
143  * The c-string is owned by the library and should not be freed
144  * by the user. If libgit2 is built with thread support, the string
145  * will be stored in TLS (i.e. one buffer per thread) to allow for
146  * concurrent calls of the function.
147  *
148  * Params:
149  *      oid = The oid structure to format
150  *
151  * Returns: the c-string
152  */
154 char* git_oid_tostr_s(const (.git_oid)* oid);
156 /**
157  * Format a git_oid into a buffer as a hex format c-string.
158  *
159  * If the buffer is smaller than GIT_OID_HEXSZ+1, then the resulting
160  * oid c-string will be truncated to n-1 characters (but will still be
161  * NUL-byte terminated).
162  *
163  * If there are any input parameter errors (out == null, n == 0, oid ==
164  * null), then a pointer to an empty string is returned, so that the
165  * return value can always be printed.
166  *
167  * Params:
168  *      out_ = the buffer into which the oid string is output.
169  *      n = the size of the out buffer.
170  *      id = the oid structure to format.
171  *
172  * Returns: the out buffer pointer, assuming no input parameter errors, otherwise a pointer to an empty string.
173  */
175 char* git_oid_tostr(char* out_, size_t n, const (.git_oid)* id);
177 /**
178  * Copy an oid from one structure to another.
179  *
180  * Params:
181  *      out_ = oid structure the result is written into.
182  *      src = oid structure to copy from.
183  *
184  * Returns: 0 on success or error code
185  */
187 int git_oid_cpy(.git_oid* out_, const (.git_oid)* src);
189 /**
190  * Compare two oid structures.
191  *
192  * Params:
193  *      a = first oid structure.
194  *      b = second oid structure.
195  *
196  * Returns: <0, 0, >0 if a < b, a == b, a > b.
197  */
199 int git_oid_cmp(const (.git_oid)* a, const (.git_oid)* b);
201 /**
202  * Compare two oid structures for equality
203  *
204  * Params:
205  *      a = first oid structure.
206  *      b = second oid structure.
207  *
208  * Returns: true if equal, false otherwise
209  */
211 int git_oid_equal(const (.git_oid)* a, const (.git_oid)* b);
213 /**
214  * Compare the first 'len' hexadecimal characters (packets of 4 bits)
215  * of two oid structures.
216  *
217  * Params:
218  *      a = first oid structure.
219  *      b = second oid structure.
220  *      len = the number of hex chars to compare
221  *
222  * Returns: 0 in case of a match
223  */
225 int git_oid_ncmp(const (.git_oid)* a, const (.git_oid)* b, size_t len);
227 /**
228  * Check if an oid equals an hex formatted object id.
229  *
230  * Params:
231  *      id = oid structure.
232  *      str = input hex string of an object id.
233  *
234  * Returns: 0 in case of a match, -1 otherwise.
235  */
237 int git_oid_streq(const (.git_oid)* id, const (char)* str);
239 /**
240  * Compare an oid to an hex formatted object id.
241  *
242  * Params:
243  *      id = oid structure.
244  *      str = input hex string of an object id.
245  *
246  * Returns: -1 if str is not valid, <0 if id sorts before str, 0 if id matches str, >0 if id sorts after str.
247  */
249 int git_oid_strcmp(const (.git_oid)* id, const (char)* str);
251 /**
252  * Check is an oid is all zeros.
253  *
254  * Returns: 1 if all zeros, 0 otherwise.
255  */
257 int git_oid_is_zero(const (.git_oid)* id);
259 /**
260  * OID Shortener object
261  */
262 struct git_oid_shorten;
264 /**
265  * Create a new OID shortener.
266  *
267  * The OID shortener is used to process a list of OIDs
268  * in text form and return the shortest length that would
269  * uniquely identify all of them.
270  *
271  * E.g. look at the result of `git log --abbrev`.
272  *
273  * Params:
274  *      min_length = The minimal length for all identifiers, which will be used even if shorter OIDs would still be unique.
275  *
276  * Returns: a `git_oid_shorten` instance, null if OOM
277  */
279 .git_oid_shorten* git_oid_shorten_new(size_t min_length);
281 /**
282  * Add a new OID to set of shortened OIDs and calculate
283  * the minimal length to uniquely identify all the OIDs in
284  * the set.
285  *
286  * The OID is expected to be a 40-char hexadecimal string.
287  * The OID is owned by the user and will not be modified
288  * or freed.
289  *
290  * For performance reasons, there is a hard-limit of how many
291  * OIDs can be added to a single set (around ~32000, assuming
292  * a mostly randomized distribution), which should be enough
293  * for any kind of program, and keeps the algorithm fast and
294  * memory-efficient.
295  *
296  * Attempting to add more than those OIDs will result in a
297  * git_error_t.GIT_ERROR_INVALID error
298  *
299  * Params:
300  *      os = a `git_oid_shorten` instance
301  *      text_id = an OID in text form
302  *
303  * Returns: the minimal length to uniquely identify all OIDs added so far to the set; or an error code (<0) if an error occurs.
304  */
306 int git_oid_shorten_add(.git_oid_shorten* os, const (char)* text_id);
308 /**
309  * Free an OID shortener instance
310  *
311  * Params:
312  *      os = a `git_oid_shorten` instance
313  */
315 void git_oid_shorten_free(.git_oid_shorten* os);
317 /** @} */