1 /* 2 * libgit2 "rev-parse" example - shows how to parse revspecs 3 * 4 * Written by the libgit2 contributors 5 * 6 * To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright 7 * and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain 8 * worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty. 9 * 10 * You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along 11 * with this software. If not, see 12 * <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>. 13 */ 14 module libgit2_d.example.rev_parse; 15 16 17 private static import core.stdc.stdio; 18 private static import core.stdc.stdlib; 19 private static import core.stdc.string; 20 private static import libgit2_d.example.args; 21 private static import libgit2_d.example.common; 22 private static import libgit2_d.merge; 23 private static import libgit2_d.object; 24 private static import libgit2_d.oid; 25 private static import libgit2_d.revparse; 26 private static import libgit2_d.types; 27 28 package: 29 30 /** 31 * Forward declarations for helpers. 32 */ 33 public struct parse_state 34 { 35 const (char)* repodir; 36 const (char)* spec; 37 int not; 38 } 39 40 extern (C) 41 nothrow @nogc 42 //int lg2_rev_parse(libgit2_d.types.git_repository* repo, int argc, char*[] argv) 43 public int lg2_rev_parse(libgit2_d.types.git_repository* repo, int argc, char** argv) 44 45 in 46 { 47 } 48 49 do 50 { 51 .parse_state ps = .parse_state.init; 52 53 .parse_opts(&ps, argc, argv); 54 55 libgit2_d.example.common.check_lg2(.parse_revision(repo, &ps), "Parsing", null); 56 57 return 0; 58 } 59 60 nothrow @nogc 61 private void usage(const (char)* message, const (char)* arg) 62 63 in 64 { 65 } 66 67 do 68 { 69 if ((message != null) && (arg != null)) { 70 core.stdc.stdio.fprintf(core.stdc.stdio.stderr, "%s: %s\n", message, arg); 71 } else if (message != null) { 72 core.stdc.stdio.fprintf(core.stdc.stdio.stderr, "%s\n", message); 73 } 74 75 core.stdc.stdio.fprintf(core.stdc.stdio.stderr, "usage: rev-parse [ --option ] <args>...\n"); 76 core.stdc.stdlib.exit(1); 77 } 78 79 nothrow @nogc 80 private void parse_opts(.parse_state* ps, int argc, char** argv) 81 82 in 83 { 84 } 85 86 do 87 { 88 libgit2_d.example.args.args_info args = libgit2_d.example.args.ARGS_INFO_INIT(argc, argv); 89 90 for (args.pos = 1; args.pos < argc; ++args.pos) { 91 const (char)* a = argv[args.pos]; 92 93 if (a[0] != '-') { 94 if (ps.spec != null) { 95 .usage("Too many specs", a); 96 } 97 98 ps.spec = a; 99 } else if (!core.stdc..string.strcmp(a, "--not")) { 100 ps.not = !ps.not; 101 } else if (!libgit2_d.example.args.match_str_arg(&ps.repodir, &args, "--git-dir")) { 102 .usage("Cannot handle argument", a); 103 } 104 } 105 } 106 107 nothrow @nogc 108 private int parse_revision(libgit2_d.types.git_repository* repo, .parse_state* ps) 109 110 in 111 { 112 } 113 114 do 115 { 116 libgit2_d.revparse.git_revspec rs; 117 libgit2_d.example.common.check_lg2(libgit2_d.revparse.git_revparse(&rs, repo, ps.spec), "Could not parse", ps.spec); 118 119 char[libgit2_d.oid.GIT_OID_HEXSZ + 1] str; 120 121 if ((rs.flags & libgit2_d.revparse.git_revparse_mode_t.GIT_REVPARSE_SINGLE) != 0) { 122 libgit2_d.oid.git_oid_tostr(&(str[0]), str.length, libgit2_d.object.git_object_id(rs.from)); 123 core.stdc.stdio.printf("%s\n", &(str[0])); 124 libgit2_d.object.git_object_free(rs.from); 125 } else if ((rs.flags & libgit2_d.revparse.git_revparse_mode_t.GIT_REVPARSE_RANGE) != 0) { 126 libgit2_d.oid.git_oid_tostr(&(str[0]), str.length, libgit2_d.object.git_object_id(rs.to)); 127 core.stdc.stdio.printf("%s\n", &(str[0])); 128 libgit2_d.object.git_object_free(rs.to); 129 130 if ((rs.flags & libgit2_d.revparse.git_revparse_mode_t.GIT_REVPARSE_MERGE_BASE) != 0) { 131 libgit2_d.oid.git_oid base; 132 libgit2_d.example.common.check_lg2(libgit2_d.merge.git_merge_base(&base, repo, libgit2_d.object.git_object_id(rs.from), libgit2_d.object.git_object_id(rs.to)), "Could not find merge base", ps.spec); 133 134 libgit2_d.oid.git_oid_tostr(&(str[0]), str.length, &base); 135 core.stdc.stdio.printf("%s\n", &(str[0])); 136 } 137 138 libgit2_d.oid.git_oid_tostr(&(str[0]), str.length, libgit2_d.object.git_object_id(rs.from)); 139 core.stdc.stdio.printf("^%s\n", &(str[0])); 140 libgit2_d.object.git_object_free(rs.from); 141 } else { 142 libgit2_d.example.common.fatal("Invalid results from git_revparse", ps.spec); 143 } 144 145 return 0; 146 }